Goten Yield Farming Tutorial

2 min readDec 2, 2020

We are pleased to announce that yield farming with Goten will be available from Saturday, 12/15/2020 at 2 PM UTC.

The first pool available will be the GOTEN / ETH Pool with 15,000% APY.

In order to make it easier to farm, here at the few steps you need to follow :

1/ Buy Goten on Uniswap

2/Add liquidity on the GOTEN / ETH pair

3/Stake your LP Token on

1/ Buying Goten on Uniswap

You will need to connect your wallet to Uniswap and go this adress to buy Goten. Make sure to use at least 10% slippage (the burn is currently set to 7.5%)

2/Add liquidity on the GOTEN / ETH pair

After buying Goten, you will have to provide liquidity on the chosen pair (in this tutorial I chose GOTEN / ETH because it will be the first pool available).

To do this, you will have to go to the Pool page on Uniswap :

Then click on add liquidity :

You will have to choose two tokens, ETH and GOTEN and add as much as you want

The Goten contract address is : 0x7d56ef98b92a0aa0979bcf41e7a50b2009d134d9

You will be able to see you’re share of the pool and once the transaction is confirmed, you will have your Liquidity Provider Token (LP token).

3/Stake your LP Token

Go to and connect your wallet :

Then go to My Info and stake as many LP tokens as you want:

